varibale name?
Added by Jure Praznikar almost 14 years ago
I converted nc file in grb format.
cdo -f grb copy test.grb
Then I covert grb file back to nc format.
cdo -f nc copy test.grb
In first nc file variables have correct names, but in
grb as well as in second nc file ( variables have names:
var1, var2, var3, ....var83
What I'm doing wrong? Why are variable name lost?
Replies (3)
RE: varibale name? - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 13 years ago
The variable names are lost because it is not possible to store variable names in GRIB format. A workaround for this problem is to store the variable names to an ASCII file and reuse this information when converting from GRIB to netCDF:
cdo vardes > varnames cdo -f grb copy test.grb cdo -f nc setpartab,varnames test.grb test_new.ncHere are the first lines of the file varnames:
-1 LU_INDEX -2 U -3 V -4 W -5 PHYou have to delete the minus sign with your prefered editor before using this file.
RE: variable name? - Added by Neil Best over 12 years ago
In the .grb format is this accomplished with the .inv file? e.g.:[[]] Apparently the .ctl is some kind of template that contains metadata as well. I will continue to research this and report back if I learn anything useful, but maybe someone here has some ideas.
RE: variable name? - Added by Neil Best over 12 years ago
When I run gdalinfo on one of these .grb files in the absence of any corresponding .inv or .ctl file there is plenty of metadata, so it seems that it is embedded in the .grb file itself to some extent, no?