select multiple timesteps
Added by Andrei Nita almost 8 years ago
Hi all!
Is there any way of selecting multiple timesteps from a .nc file? I know about seldate function, but I would like to select certain timesteps from 1960 to 2016 using a list of dates(YYYY-MM-DD). Using seldate function would create too many files that I will need to merge them later in order to calculate some statistical operations (also, I need to do this for various parameters). Many thanks!
Replies (3)
RE: select multiple timesteps - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 7 years ago
Try the CDO operator select:
cdo select,date=date1,date2,...,dateN infile outfile
RE: select multiple timesteps - Added by Andrei Nita over 7 years ago
many thanks! it's helpig a lot!
RE: select multiple timesteps - Added by Andrei Nita over 7 years ago
Andrei Nita wrote:
many thanks! it's helping a lot!