


ggstats 1.8.2 not found

Added by Barry McInnes almost 8 years ago

The command works in cd 1.7.2
cdo ggstats
[mac30:/scratch1/txu/SST] bmcinnes% cdo ggstats
File format : NetCDF
-1 : Institut Source Steptype Levels Num Points Num Dtype : Parameter ID
1 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1 1 I32 : -1
2 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1 1 I32 : -2
3 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 1 1 F64 : -3
4 : unknown unknown instant 1 1 64800 2 F32 : -4
Grid coordinates :
1 : generic : points=1
2 : lonlat : points=64800 (360x180)
lon : 0.5 to 359.5 by 1 degrees_east circular
lat : -89.5 to 89.5 by 1 degrees_north
In 1.8.2
[mac27:/scratch1/txu/SST] bmcinnes% cdo ggstats
Operator >ggstats< not found!
Similar operators are:
(not found)
[mac27:/scratch1/txu/SST] bmcinnes%

Macports has updated to 1.8.2 which is the build we are using.
Also fails on the Linux build of 1.8.2

Replies (1)

RE: ggstats 1.8.2 not found - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 8 years ago

ggstats was an alias for the CDO operator sinfo. During a refactoring we removed some very old aliases which were never documented. Please use sinfo instead.

