


how to create vertical levels, and merge ?

Added by Etienne Tourigny over 14 years ago


I've been looking for a simple way to create a vertical level after importing 2D data (using the input operator).
Also I need to merge files of different levels into one file, I believe that "copy" operator does this, am I right?

Basically I want to create a level for each land surface type (int codes), and make a level for each of these land surface types, where a grid point has a value of 100% if it is of that surface type.
After a spatial re-griding (of lower resolution), I would then have a value of the proportion of each surface type, stored in the various levels.

I guess I could do it by having a file with one vertical level, and for each surface type make a copy with the needed vertical level and proper values, then add them together. But I still need to add a vertical dimension (of 1 level) to the file...

cdo copy setrtoc2,1,1,100,0 -setlevel,1
cdo copy setrtoc2,2,2,100,0 -setlevel,2
cdo copy lev??.nc


Replies (3)

RE: how to create vertical levels, and merge ? - Added by Etienne Tourigny over 14 years ago

ok I've managed to make a 1-level vertical layer by using the "setzaxis" operator, with descriptor file as follows:

zaxistype = height
size = 1
levels = 1

And then create a series of files with different levels with:
cdo setrtoc2,$level,$level,100,0 -setlevel,$level $ifile "test_"$level".nc"

But I cannot combine these files into a single multi-level file...

The "copy" operator makes a file with 1 vertical level, but with a 2-element time axis.
The "merge" operator makes multiple levels, but all but the first level are filled with zeroes.

Here is an output of "cdo info" for the 2 resulting files:

tourigny@ozonegeo2:/home/tmp/proveg$ cdo info
-1 : Date Time Code Level Size Miss : Minimum Mean Maximum
1 :-0001-11-30 00:00:00 1 1 20269426 11505021 : 0.0000 38.860 100.00
2 :-0001-11-30 00:00:00 1 1 20269426 11505021 : 0.0000 2.9534 100.00

tourigny@ozonegeo2:/home/tmp/proveg$ cdo info
-1 : Date Time Code Level Size Miss : Minimum Mean Maximum
1 :-0001-11-30 00:00:00 1 1 20269426 11505021 : 0.0000 2.9534 100.00
2 :-0001-11-30 00:00:00 1 2 20269426 0 : 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

It seems that one of the layers is not read...

==> Is there a way to correctly combine different levels into a single file?

Thanks, Etienne

RE: how to create vertical levels, and merge ? - Added by Ralf Mueller over 14 years ago

Do you use cdo-1.4.4? Merging zlevels in netcdf files is included in this version. Try

cdo -V

RE: how to create vertical levels, and merge ? - Added by Etienne Tourigny over 14 years ago

Fixed! I was using version, the latest 1.4.4 version works like a charm.

I downloaded that version ( because it was the first on the list in the download page, although I should have looked better.

I guess I did that because I am used to sourceforge, which shows the latest version first as well as a link to the latest version. Perhaps changing the sorting order of the files list would make it more intuitive, as well as having a "latest version" link on the main page?

