


Interpolation considering fill (missing) values

Added by Ralf Quast almost 14 years ago

I would like to interpolate (remapbil) a variable that exists for water only (for land the variable exhibits 'missing values') onto a different grid, without having the interpolation be affected by the missing values and without loosing any grid points near the coastline because some (but not all) of the nearest points in the source grid are on land. Is there any way for doing this with the current CDO release? If not, I would like to discuss with you how this feature shall be implemented, and then would do it. I would prefer when my modification could flow back into the official CDO code. What is the procedure for this?

Replies (2)

RE: Interpolation considering fill (missing) values - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 14 years ago

Hi Ralf!
I recognized your support ticket #1106. If you have precise plans on what you're heading for, lets use the issue. Otherwise, the forum is the better place to talk. What do you think?


RE: Interpolation considering fill (missing) values - Added by Ralf Quast almost 14 years ago

When I created the issue, I actually wanted to create a message for the forum, sorry. OK - let's use the issue. Thanks!
