Get wedge from curvilinear file of Antarctica.
Added by Oliver Angelil over 8 years ago
I want to select a wedge (a "pizza slice" as one would view it on a spherical globe) from the attached file starting at the south pole, up to about -60S, and between two lines of longitude.
When selecting the area with:
cdo sellonlatbox,50,70,-90,-60
and viewing the file with ncview, it looks like the longitudes at the pole are not the same as around -60S (as if CDO as simply taken a "visual box" of the original data and not maintained the "50" to "70" lines of longitude with changing latitude).
Replies (2)
RE: Get wedge from curvilinear file of Antarctica. - Added by Ralf Mueller over 8 years ago
your input file essentially has a box accross the southpole. sellonlatbos is designed for lonlat-grids. I interpolated with bilinear weights because the coordinate bounds are missing
cdo -P 2 -sellonlatbox,50,70,-90,-60 -remapbil,r720x360
looks like this
tasty piece of cake, eh?
air_tempfile2.png (106 KB) air_tempfile2.png |
RE: Get wedge from curvilinear file of Antarctica. - Added by Oliver Angelil over 8 years ago
Wow, so easy with CDO — what a piece of cake!