vertical levels (z-axis) problem
Added by S BR over 8 years ago
Hi All,
I have started using the latest version of CDO (1.7.2).
It seems there is some problem in this version related to the vertical levels (z-axis).
In my original NetCDF file, Z=1 is 1000 hPa and Z=12 is 100 hPa. Now whatever command (copy, seasmean, seltimestep, etc) I use in CDO, it reverses the vertical levels. Now if I open the files in GrADS, the Z=1 becomes 100 hPa and Z=12 becomes 1000.
Could you please how to solve this issue.
I never seen such problem earlier in the version 1.6.9.
Replies (4)
RE: vertical levels (z-axis) problem - Added by Ralf Mueller over 8 years ago
Could you upload your input file, please?
thx in advance
RE: vertical levels (z-axis) problem - Added by S BR over 8 years ago
Hi Ralf,
Thank you for the reply. Please find herewith attached both the input and output files.
I just used
cdo copy
When I open in the GrADS, the input file displays Z=1 is 1000 Hpa.
In the output file Z=1 changed to 100 hPa.
RE: vertical levels (z-axis) problem - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 8 years ago
Thanks for the files, this helps us a lot to reproduce this problem!
Your described problem is definitely a bug in CDO. The z-axis attribute "positive" was changed from down to up. This bug is already solve in the next CDO release. A prerelease is a available in the download area.
RE: vertical levels (z-axis) problem - Added by S BR over 8 years ago
Hi Uwe,
Thanks for the info.