operator ml2hl
Added by Ingo Schlueter almost 14 years ago
Hi everybody,
is the operator "ml2hl" for interpolation to m MSL or m over ground?
example: cdo ml2hl,500 ifile ofile
The documentation says, that 500 m is converted to pressure using the barometric formula with p0=101325, so I think this is reduced to MSL? Am I right?
What I need: 500 m over ground, is it possible with cdo?
Thank you for your help...
Replies (1)
RE: operator ml2hl - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 14 years ago
Hi Ingo,
You are right, ml2hl is only for interpolation to m MSL. Unfortunately we don't have a function to interpolate to "m over ground".
Best regards,