


Set Environment under Windows

Added by Philipp Reiter almost 9 years ago

Dear all,

I am running cdo-1.6.9-cygwin64-static-hdf5-1.8.14 on a Windows server and am calculating running means.
Cdo returns the middle of the time steps taking into consideration as time stamp for the output file. I need this to be the first time step, which should be possible by the means of changing the environment settings (CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE).

However, all my tries to do so have failed so far.

As additional information: I try to process all the data automated and thus create batch-files within R, which I then run using the "system"-function.

Does someone have an idea how to change the environment settings under windows?

Thanks a lot,

Replies (2)

RE: Set Environment under Windows - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 9 years ago

depending on your shell

  • bash/zsh
    export CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE=first
  • csh/tcsh
    setenv CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE first


RE: Set Environment under Windows - Added by Philipp Reiter almost 9 years ago

Hello Ralf,
thank you very much! Unfortunately, this doesn't work on the respective windows server.
I can set the environment with "SET CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE=first" or "SETX CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE first". But it doesn't have any effect on the cdo output. The time stamp is still the 'middle' one.

However, on another machine (also Windows, same cdo version cdo-1.6.9-cygwin64-static-hdf5-1.8.14) cdo per default returns the time stamp from the last time step , which is fine for me. Thus, probelm solved :)

