Attempting to use settaxis on monthly averaged data, however CDO returns "(Warning): Time bounds unsupported by this operator, removed"
Added by Tyler Herrington almost 9 years ago
I have taken some CanESM2 data for which I've extracted the snow cover data (snc), and then taken the average of across Siberia (between 40N-80N and 60E-140E), followed by extracting the average October mean snow cover:
set ifile =
set ofile =
cdo monmean -selmon,10 -fldmean -sellonlatbox,60,140,40,80 $ifile $ofile
(this part of the script works fine)
I then want to change the format of the time axis so that when I read the file into NCL, it displays the date and time as October, 16, 1950 12:00 ...,... October 16, 2020 12:00, with time-steps of 1 year, instead of the default model timestep. However, when I attempt to use the settaxis command (as follows), it gives me the following error message: "cdo settaxis (Warning): Time bounds unsupported by this operator, removed! cdo settaxis: Processed 71 values from 1 variable over 71 timesteps ( 0.00s )"
set ifile2 =
set ofile2 =
cdo settaxis,1950-10-16,12:00,1year $ifile $ofile
Replies (3)
RE: Attempting to use settaxis on monthly averaged data, however CDO returns "(Warning): Time bounds unsupported by this operator, removed" - Added by Tyler Herrington almost 9 years ago
I realized after I posted this that there was a typo in what I posted on here (this wasn't the case in the original script). The settaxis script should read:
set ifile2 =
set ofile2 =
cdo settaxis,1950-10-16,12:00,1year $ifile2 $ofile2
RE: Attempting to use settaxis on monthly averaged data, however CDO returns "(Warning): Time bounds unsupported by this operator, removed" - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 9 years ago
IMO ncl does not show anything wrong. A one year timestep is what's in your input file.
The error message you got, is just for letting you know, that the time bounds are not changed by the settaxis operator. The time dimension is changed.