Input files as binary masks
Added by Martin Großhauser about 14 years ago
first thanks for cdo, it's a great tool!
I'm trying to do some calculations with binary masks, but I have no idea how to do it with cdo. Here's what I want to do:
- I have an input file #1 with 3 or 4 dimensions: timestep, (level, ) latitude, longitude
- and I have another input file 2 with just the timestep dimension and a mask field with "1" and "0" (or missing) values
- I want to make calculations (e. g. mean, std) in #1 including only the timesteps where the mask field from #2 is set to "1"
Is that possibly with cdo?
Best regards,
Replies (4)
RE: Input files as binary masks - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 14 years ago
Hello Martin,
Unfortunately this functionality is not implemented, sorry.
Best regards,
RE: Input files as binary masks - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 14 years ago
Submitted by mail from Lawson Hanson:
Have you tried using the "ifthen" operator?
I think this will do what you want?
RE: Input files as binary masks - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 14 years ago
Yes, in this case the mask file needs to have the same grid size as the input file. This can be achieved with the operator enlarge:
cdo <calculation> -ifthen -enlarge,ifile maskfile ifile ofileBut I have never tried it with a netCDF maskfile which has only the timestep dimension.
Best regards,
RE: Input files as binary masks - Added by Martin Großhauser almost 14 years ago
Running cdo with "ifthen" like suggested above runs without an error, but ofile is identical to ifile. As maskfile I used an enlarged netcdf-file (also tried with grib), enlarging seems to work correctly: the whole lat-lon grid for each timestep is either zero or one, correctly computed from the 1D (time) mask. Creating the mask with missing/fill values instead of zeros doesn't work; enlarge accept missing values. I will attach NCL dumps of the input files. (I also tried with both inputs as netcdf).
Variable: b (file variable) filename: CompEra40AllSfc path: CompEra40AllSfc.grib file global attributes: dimensions: initial_time0_hours = 528 g0_lat_1 = 32 g0_lon_2 = 33 variables: float CI_GDS0_SFC_10 ( initial_time0_hours, g0_lat_1, g0_lon_2 ) center : European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (RSMC) long_name : Sea-ice cover units : (0 - 1) _FillValue : 1e+20 level_indicator : 1 gds_grid_type : 0 parameter_table_version : 128 parameter_number : 31 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours float SSTK_GDS0_SFC_10 ( initial_time0_hours, g0_lat_1, g0_lon_2 ) center : European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (RSMC) long_name : Sea surface temperature units : K _FillValue : 1e+20 level_indicator : 1 gds_grid_type : 0 parameter_table_version : 128 parameter_number : 34 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours float SWVL1_GDS0_DBLY_10 ( initial_time0_hours, g0_lat_1, g0_lon_2 ) center : European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (RSMC) long_name : Volumetric soil water layer 1 units : m**3 m**-3 _FillValue : 1e+20 level_indicator : 112 gds_grid_type : 0 parameter_table_version : 128 parameter_number : 39 level : ( 0, 7 ) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours float SWVL2_GDS0_DBLY_10 ( initial_time0_hours, g0_lat_1, g0_lon_2 ) center : European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (RSMC) long_name : Volumetric soil water layer 2 units : m**3 m**-3 _FillValue : 1e+20 level_indicator : 112 gds_grid_type : 0 parameter_table_version : 128 parameter_number : 40 level : ( 7, 28 ) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours [... some more variables ...] float STL4_GDS0_DBLY_10 ( initial_time0_hours, g0_lat_1, g0_lon_2 ) center : European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (RSMC) long_name : Soil temperature level 4 units : K _FillValue : 1e+20 level_indicator : 112 gds_grid_type : 0 parameter_table_version : 128 parameter_number : 236 level : ( 100, 255 ) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours double initial_time0_hours ( initial_time0_hours ) long_name : initial time units : hours since 1800-01-01 00:00 double initial_time0_encoded ( initial_time0_hours ) long_name : initial time encoded as double units : yyyymmddhh.hh_frac float g0_lat_1 ( g0_lat_1 ) long_name : latitude GridType : Cylindrical Equidistant Projection Grid units : degrees_north Dj : 1.125 Di : 1.125 Lo2 : 298.125 La2 : -27 Lo1 : 262.125 La1 : 7.875 float g0_lon_2 ( g0_lon_2 ) long_name : longitude GridType : Cylindrical Equidistant Projection Grid units : degrees_east Dj : 1.125 Di : 1.125 Lo2 : 298.125 La2 : -27 Lo1 : 262.125 La1 : 7.875 string initial_time0 ( initial_time0_hours ) long_name : Initial time of first record units : mm/dd/yyyy (hh:mm)
Variable: a (file variable) filename: enlarged path: enlarged.grib file global attributes: dimensions: initial_time0_hours = 528 g0_lat_1 = 32 g0_lon_2 = 33 variables: float PRES_GDS0_SFC_10 ( initial_time0_hours, g0_lat_1, g0_lon_2 ) long_name : Pressure units : Pa _FillValue : 1e+20 level_indicator : 1 gds_grid_type : 0 parameter_table_version : 0 parameter_number : 1 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours double initial_time0_hours ( initial_time0_hours ) long_name : initial time units : hours since 1800-01-01 00:00 double initial_time0_encoded ( initial_time0_hours ) long_name : initial time encoded as double units : yyyymmddhh.hh_frac float g0_lat_1 ( g0_lat_1 ) long_name : latitude GridType : Cylindrical Equidistant Projection Grid units : degrees_north Dj : 1.125 Di : 1.125 Lo2 : 298.125 La2 : -27 Lo1 : 262.125 La1 : 7.875 float g0_lon_2 ( g0_lon_2 ) long_name : longitude GridType : Cylindrical Equidistant Projection Grid units : degrees_east Dj : 1.125 Di : 1.125 Lo2 : 298.125 La2 : -27 Lo1 : 262.125 La1 : 7.875 string initial_time0 ( initial_time0_hours ) long_name : Initial time of first record units : mm/dd/yyyy (hh:mm)