


compile CDO with netCDF4 error

Added by Jim Maas about 9 years ago

Ubuntu 14.04 Linux system,

I'm new to all of this. I've downloaded and install the latest version of netCDF

$ nc-config --version

My understanding is that this version has netCDF4 support built in?

and then tried to compile CDO using this

cdo-1.7.1rc1$ ./configure --with-netcdf=/usr/local/lib

and it appears to compile correctly, however when I try to merge two files I get this error

Unsupported file type (library support not compiled in)
CDO was build with a netCDF version which doesn't support netCDF4 data!

Obviously I've done something wrong, any suggestions on how to troubleshoot most welcome.



Replies (3)

RE: compile CDO with netCDF4 error - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 9 years ago

NetCDF4/HDF5 must be enabled during the netCDF4 installation. The default is no netCDF4/HDF5 support for the netCDF4 library.
Please check it with:

nc-config --all

RE: compile CDO with netCDF4 error - Added by Jim Maas about 9 years ago

Thanks, did some digging around, and rebuilt cdo and netcdf and now have the following from nc-config --all, however still get same error listed further below.

This netCDF 4.1.3 has been built with the following features:

--cc        -> gcc
--cflags -> -I/usr/include -DgFortran
--libs -> -L/usr/lib -lnetcdf
--cxx       -> g++
--has-c++ -> yes
--fc        -> gfortran
--fflags -> -g -O2 -I/usr/include
--flibs -> -L/usr/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf
--has-f77 -> yes
--has-f90 -> yes
--has-dap   > yes
--has-nc2 -> yes
--has-nc4 -> yes
--has-hdf5 -> yes
--has-hdf4 -> no
> no
--has-szlib ->
--prefix    > /usr
> /usr/include
--version -> netCDF 4.1.3

cdo merge: Open failed on ><
Unsupported file type (library support not compiled in)
CDO was build with a netCDF version which doesn't support netCDF4 data!

RE: compile CDO with netCDF4 error - Added by Jim Maas about 9 years ago

I got it fixed, had some old libraries installed and was confusing things.

I uninstalled all versions of cdo, netcdf and hdf5,

then installed the netcdf andf HDF5 libraries from the Ubuntu repositories:
sudo apt-get install libnetcdf-dev libhdf5-dev

then downloaded cdo-1.7.0, and configured it as
./configure --enable-netcdf4 --enable-zlib --with-netcdf=/usr/ --with-hdf5=/usr/
sudo make install

and it all seems to work fine.

Thanks for help.

