lcc grid description
Added by Pere Quintana about 9 years ago
I'm new to cdo and I found a problem with a custom grid I'm using.
I want to regrid a datafile which, originally, is in a custom lcc grid.
cdo remapbil doesn't work (Grid type >generic< unsupported!) and I, as far as I understand, there is the possibility to tell to CDO how my grid is done, but I don't know how to build the grid description file.
The Proj4 string for my grid is:
+proj=lcc +lat_1=30 +lat_2=60 +lat_0=39.7755394 +lon_0=-3 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6370997 +b=6370997 +units=m +no_defs
An example file is attached.
Is it possible to create a grid description file that cdo can understand?
Thank you,
Replies (2)
RE: lcc grid description - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan about 9 years ago
try something like:
cat > mygrid <<EOF gridtype = lcc2 gridsize = 90000 xname = x xlongname = x coordinate of projection xunits = m yname = y ylongname = y coordinate of projection yunits = m xsize = 300 ysize = 300 a = 6370997 lon_0 = -3 lat_0 = 39.7755394 lat_1 = 30 lat_2 = 60 xfirst = -747500 xinc = 5000 yfirst = -746118 yinc = 5000 EOF
then use
cdo -setgrid,mygrid
you may have to set setgridtype,curvilinear before the remapbil operator
RE: lcc grid description - Added by Pere Quintana about 9 years ago
Thank you for your complete answer Jaison!
I tried what you said, but without success.
I created the mygrid file, as you suggested.
Then I tried:
cdo -remapbil,grid
where grid is a file that contains the information of the destination grid (ERA-Interim).
And I got the following error.
cdo remapbil (Abort): Unsupported grid type: lcc2
As you also suggested, I tried to use setgridtype,curvilinear
cdo -setgridtype,curvilinear
But, the version of cdo I'm using doesn't have the proj4 options.
cdo setgridtype (Abort): proj4 support not compiled in!
I'm using cdo 1.7.0.
cdo --version Climate Data Operators version 1.7.0 (
Maybe I didn't compile it with the right options.
Before trying to install it again, do you think that compiling it with support for proj4 would be enough?