


generating interpolation weights - inconsistent behaviour

Added by David Fuchs about 9 years ago

Hi there!

I found an inconsistent behavior between remapbil and genbil followed by remap.

Say we have a text file describing an unstructured grid occurring over land:

gridtype = unstructured
gridsize = 1
xvals = 147.9
yvals = -29.6

Now lets assume that a user attempts to interpolate a variable that is masked out over land using this file. The behavior will depend on whether he uses remapbil or genbil and then remap. Remapbil will produce an unstructured grid output with missing values, while genbil will fail with the error: "cdo genbil (Abort): Number of remap links is 0, no remap weights found!".

This is but a minor issue for manual usage but it is causing me some trouble since I use cdo under the hood of a web based kitchen knife tool.

Does anyone knows if its possible to coerce genbil not to fail and instead produce missing values?


Replies (1)

RE: generating interpolation weights - inconsistent behaviour - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 9 years ago

Hi David,

This inconsistency behavior will be fixed in the next CDO release. In this release the operator genbil creates a weight file also if no remap links are available.
A prerelease will be available in the download area during the next 2 weeks.

