


Merge GRIB2 Files with CDO WIN 32

Added by PANAGIOTIS GIANNIOTIS over 9 years ago

Hello and thanks in advance,

I'm downloading NWW3 from NOAA in GRIB2 Format :

Firstly, I convert them from GRIB2 to GRIB1 using cnvgrib and then I need to merge all these files into GRIB1 Format. I was trying using operators like "mergetime", "merge" , "cat" but unfortunately it prints the error message uploaded below. Is there a way to make it happen in Windows XP x86 ?

Replies (1)

RE: Merge GRIB2 Files with CDO WIN 32 - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 9 years ago

Hello Panagiotis,

The GRIB2 files contain 13 variables, three of them (swell,swper,swdir) are on 2 levels.
cnvgrib seems to ignore the level information of these 3 variables and store them on the same level.
This makes the converted GRIB1 files inconsistent and not usable for CDO.
A workaround for this problem is to set the environment variable CDI_INVENTORY_MODE=time.
This will ignore double parameter entries on the same time step.
Here is an example for the shell sh/bash:

cdo mergetime ifiles ofile
Best regards,
