interpolating - remaping with missing values
Added by Merce Casas Prat over 9 years ago
Hi all
I am trying to re-map (interpolate) a netcdf file that contains missing data. Missing data corresponds to land area. I want to interpolate to the new grid not considering the missing values (ie avoiding them).
When using remapbil or similar I see that the land area increases because if a sea point is close to the coast it is converted to missing too. The data I have to interpolate at sea varies from 0 to 1 (0 included).
Any suggestions?
Replies (1)
RE: interpolating - remaping with missing values - Added by Ralf Mueller over 9 years ago
AFAICS missing values should be ignored. Could be that the value of the $_FillValue$ attribute and the real value on the land points are not the same. You should
- upload some sample data
- provide the cdo version, i.e. output of
cdo -V
So far I can only guess