


CDO settaxis quits with an error (unlike in earlier versions)

Added by Christian Stepanek over 9 years ago

I am using the settaxis-operator in order to add a time axis to gridded NetCDF data that does not yet have any time information attached. So far this worked without a problem:

CDO version 1.6.2:
cdo settaxis,1987-01-16,12:00:00,1mon
cdo settaxis: Processed 23040 values from 5 variables over 1 timestep ( 0.00s )

A newer CDO version now returns an error.
CDO version 1.6.8rc3:
cdo settaxis,1987-01-16,12:00:00,1mon
cdo settaxis (Abort): Integer parameter >1mon< contains invalid character at position 2!

I have taken the command and its parameters sign-by-sign from the documentation, version 1.6.9:


To set the time axis to 1987-01-16 12:00:00 with an increment of one month for each timestep use:
cdo settaxis,1987-01-16,12:00:00,1mon ifile ofile"

Did the syntax change - and this has not yet been documented - or did I maybe run into a bug? If it is a bug, has it been fixed in the newest version 1.6.9?

I could attach the header information of the NetCDF file that I would like to process, or the NetCDF file itself, if this is of help - but at least to me this seems to be rather a command parsing problem.


Replies (4)

RE: CDO settaxis quits with an error (unlike in earlier versions) - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 9 years ago

Yes, this seems to be a bug in the CDO prerelease 1.6.8rc3. We have added a lot of parameter checks, and the check for this parameter was wrong.
This problem has been solved in CDO release 1.6.9.

RE: CDO settaxis quits with an error (unlike in earlier versions) - Added by Christian Stepanek over 9 years ago

Dear Uwe,

thanks a lot for the fast response and clarification of this issue.


RE: CDO settaxis quits with an error (unlike in earlier versions) - Added by Martin Dörenkämper over 9 years ago

Dear CDO Developers,

I have a very similar error as Christian with the CDO release 1.6.9:

cdo -f nc -t cosmo -rotuvb,10u,10v -remapbil,cosmode_gitter ifile ofile

This command was working with a previous CDO version but it fails with the newest version with the error message:

"cdo rotuvb (Abort): Integer parameter >10u< contains invalid character at position 3!"



RE: CDO settaxis quits with an error (unlike in earlier versions) - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 9 years ago

Dear Martin,

Thanks for this information! I will fix this problem in the next CDO release.

