


EOF weighting in CDO >1.6.8

Added by Sebastian Steinig over 9 years ago

Dear all,

as of version 1.6.8 the operator "eof" has been changed to use area weights by default.

When I use old scripts (which worked for the not-weighted EOF calculation) with the current version and plot the EOF field, the values are way too large. I helped myself by calculating area weights with the operator "gridweights" and multiplying the EOF field with these weights. With this I get similar values compared to earlier CDO versions.

Is this the correct procedure to handle the area weighting? Or does anyone know how the area weighting is implemented in the current "eof" operator?

Thanks for any help in advance!


Replies (1)

RE: EOF weighting in CDO >1.6.8 - Added by Ralf Mueller over 9 years ago

just in case, you didn't find it: this thread may clarify it a little bit.
