


setreftime removes rlon, rlat variables

Added by Lidia Gaslikova about 10 years ago

I'm changing the reference time with setreftime, it works all right but in the resulting file the dimensions rlon, rlat are renamed to x,y and variables rlon, rlat disappear altogether. Any idea how one can keep the rotated coordinates in the output file?

Replies (1)

RE: setreftime removes rlon, rlat variables - Added by Benedikt Edelmann over 9 years ago

Unfortunately I have no answer to this problem but a similar one.

When I try to select a variable such as

cdo selvar,T_S ifile ofile

the dimension from ifile:
rlon = 114 ;
rlat = 80 ;
srlon = 114 ;
srlat = 80 ;
level = 40 ;
level1 = 41 ;
soil1 = 10 ;
bnds = 2 ;
time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)

are changed to:

x = 41 ;
x_2 = 114 ;
y = 80 ;
time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
nb2 = 2 ;

I tried to use

ncrcat -h -v T_S ifile ofile

which results in:
rlon = 114 ;
rlat = 80 ;
time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
bnds = 2 ;

What I would like to do is, extract the variable of the initial file and apply it to some other files.
Any idea how to keep the dimensions for this purpose?
