ml2hl with corresponding pressure information?
Added by Chris Roth about 10 years ago
I'm converting model-level ecmwf interim files containing 3D ozone mass mixing ratio data to height levels using,
cdo ml2hl,20000,25000,30000 infile outfile
and I'm getting an output file with the correct data.
However, I would also like information on the pressure data at those heights. I'm sure this is possible with cdo, but I'm not sure what command to run. If anyone here knows how to help, I'd really appreciate it.
Chris from the Odin-OSIRIS team at the University of Saskatchewan.
Replies (1)
RE: ml2hl with corresponding pressure information? - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan about 10 years ago
here is the info from "cdo -h ml2hl"
ml2hl Model to height level interpolation Interpolates 3D variables on hybrid model levels to height levels. The procedure is the same as for the operator mh2pl except for the pressure levels being calculated from the heights by: plevel = 101325*exp(hlevel/-7000)
so I guess you can use the above formule to get the pressure info.