


CDO non-standard seasonal mean covering two years

Added by Sebastian Engelstaedter about 10 years ago

Hi all,

I have a problem and was wonder whether there is an easy solution. I have monthly mean values over 10 years. I want to calculate the seasonal means between November to March (so I can't use seasmean like in seasmean,DJF). The only idea I have is to loop through each two successive years, select the months and create a separate file to calculate the mean and the merge all the files back together in the end. But this is a pain to code up in the complex script I am running. Is there an easier solution that I have missed.

Many thanks for your help,

Replies (3)

RE: CDO non-standard seasonal mean covering two years - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 10 years ago

Try the operator timselmean. Here is an example for a 10 year monthly mean dataset starting in January:
cdo timselmean,5,10,7 ifile ofile
  • 5 - mean over 5 months (November to March)
  • 10 - skip the first 10 months (January to October)
  • 7 - skip 7 months between every 5 months interval (April to October)

RE: CDO non-standard seasonal mean covering two years - Added by Sebastian Engelstaedter about 10 years ago

Sounds just like what I need, will give it a go.
Many thanks for your help,

RE: CDO non-standard seasonal mean covering two years - Added by Sandeep Bhatti almost 2 years ago

Uwe Schulzweida wrote in RE: CDO non-standard seasonal mean covering two years:

Try the operator timselmean. Here is an example for a 10 year monthly mean dataset starting in January:
  • 5 - mean over 5 months (November to March)
  • 10 - skip the first 10 months (January to October)
  • 7 - skip 7 months between every 5 months interval (April to October)

Thank you so much! This solution worked perfectly for me to average 4 months for each year. Your explanation was perfect as well. Cheers!
