Long-term time average of wind speed and wind direction
Added by Grégoire Leroy over 10 years ago
Dear all,
I have daily netcdf outputs of hourly data from a 10 year simulation, with the following grid: 378 * 148 grid points. I would like to compute the long-term time average of wind speed and wind direction over the complete grid to produce a map. I plan to use CDO for this purpose but I'm don't know how to get this long-term average from the daily files containing hourly data. What would you suggest? I used cdo timavg but apparently we can use it only on one file at a time(wildcard didn't do the trick).
Also, how could I compute the circular lont-term mean for the wind directions? Because I cannot use traditional mean for directional quantities.
I'm also a bit scared about the memory necessary to compute those long-term averages, 10 years of hourly data over a grid of 378*148 grid points seems really huge. What would you suggest to compute efficiently the long term averages?
Many thanks,
Replies (1)
RE: Long-term time average of wind speed and wind direction - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 10 years ago
Hi Greg,
For the long-term mean you can combine the operator timavg with cat:
cdo timavg -cat 'ifiles' resultifiles are the inputfiles with wildcards. It needs to be in single quotes in order to combine the result of cat with timavg.
The CDO time statistic operators are highly memory optimized. The memory requirement of the operator timavg is 3*number_of_gridpoints*8byte per
variable and level.