


cdo ensmean

Added by Martin Bolliger over 10 years ago

Good day, using CDO version 1.6.2 I download GFS grib2 data for a given forecast timestep.

Then I calculate with "cdo ensmean *.grb2 out.grb2" the Mean for each timestep of the files of identical size.

But what I note is that the timestamp ("cdo showtimestamp") of the grib2 input is different from my calculated output (out.grb2) with cdo.

All input files show the identical timestamps.

The strange thing is that this occurs since Sept 17 2014 and only for GFS Ensemble data forecast hour > +252 hours

thanks and best regards Martin

Replies (2)

RE: cdo ensmean - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 10 years ago

Could you please try it with the latest CDO version? There were some minor bug fixes for the time axis in GRIB2. If this problem still exist with the new CDO version then we need some example files to reproduce this problem.


RE: cdo ensmean - Added by Martin Bolliger over 10 years ago

Hi Uwe
thanks for your reply. I have tested it now with version 1.6.4 and in fact the problem has gone. cdo handles the timestamps correctly
Thanks and best regards Martin
