


remapeta help please?

Added by Liz Coleman over 10 years ago

Hi all,

I have used remapeta to interpolate between different hybrid systems before, but I am having difficulty at the moment converting attached grib file (o3_p_z_remapcon) to the new vct (old_global_vct_19levs). The grib file contains surface pressure and ozone,the profile is fine. However, command "cdo remapeta,old_global_vct_19levs.txt o3_p_z_remapcon outfile": the profile on the outfile is completely messed up: the bottommost levels (19-16 incl.) identical, followed by levels 14-9 which are orders of magnitude too high: the interpolation doesn't work.
Running remapeta, I get the following warning:

cdo remapeta (Warning): Surface pressure out of range (min=51348.2 max=129766)!

If anyone could help with this problem, I'd be really grateful!



Replies (1)

RE: remapeta help please? - Added by Liz Coleman over 10 years ago

Please disregard,

I circumvented the problem by sorting levels from low to high pressure in file: I presumed remapeta could handle inverted levels from the vct, but remapping would only work when levels sorted from low to high pressure in grib file, and corresponding vct, obv.

Thanks, Liz
