cdo setdate multiple files, would like to read from file name and setdate
Added by Imeshi Weerasinghe almost 11 years ago
Hello All,
I have a large number of files for daily climatic data in netcdf format. I have noticed while trying to mergetime on all records that I do not have a date within each netcdf file. Therefore when I mergetime I get one file with only one record. I need to set the date for each file so that when I merge I get a record for each date.
I would like to know if there is a way to read the first 8 characters of a file name and use this to set the date. For example, one file with name should setdate 1961-01-01 within the record. I have over 100000 files so I would need to do multiple files at the same time. Trying to setdate each file would take over 200 days if I worked 8 straight hours a day!
Can anyone please help me?
I apologise if I am not clear, this is my first posting. But I would be happy to answer any questions if you have any.
Thank you so much for your help in advance.
Replies (3)
RE: cdo setdate multiple files, would like to read from file name and setdate - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 11 years ago
I'm not sure if I undestood your question correctly. If you would like to fix the time axis of your merged file, use settaxis operator
cdo -settaxis,1961-01-01,00:00:00,1day
If there is no record/time dimension in your input files, use NCO operators ncks to add a record dimension. Please have a look at the examples 8/9 in the following link
RE: cdo setdate multiple files, would like to read from file name and setdate - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 11 years ago
If you have alphanumeric sorted filenames you can simple use the CDO operator cat to concatenate all files. Here is an example for the year 1961:
rm cdo cat 1961* cdo settaxis,1961-01-01,00:00:00,1day rain.1961.ncYou can do it in one command line with single quotes around the cat input files:
cdo settaxis,1961-01-01,00:00:00,1day -cat '1961*'
RE: cdo setdate multiple files, would like to read from file name and setdate - Added by Sanita Dhaubanjar almost 8 years ago
I just tried to combine multiple files with alphanumeric sorted filenames using the example above and I can do it using the example with multiple commands. But when I try to use the one line command, i get the following error:
$ cdo settaxis,2016-12-01,00:00:00,1day -cat '3B42_Daily.2016*.nc4' cdo_TRMMDec2016.nc4
cdo settaxis: Started child process "cat 3B42_Daily.2016*.nc4 (pipe1.1)".
cdo(2) cat: 3%Segmentation fault: 11
I am using the latest version of CDO on Mac OSX Mavericks. Any suggestions is greatly appreciated!