cdo interpolating to an irregular set of point
Added by Dan Rowlands almost 15 years ago
I have a gridded dataset in a netcdf file and I'd like to perform bilinear interpolation to a set of irregularly spaced points.
cdo intgridbil,lon=<lon>_lat=<lat>
works for one point, but is there a generalization of this to multiple points, or do you need to call this command multiple times
from a script?
Replies (3)
RE: cdo interpolating to an irregular set of point - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 15 years ago
Bilinear interpolation is not implemented for irregular grids but you can use nearest neighbor interpolation instead (function remapdis or remapnn):
cdo remapdis,mygrid ifile ofile
mygrid is an ASCII file with the description of the target grid. Here is an example for an irregular grid with 3 points:
gridtype = cell gridsize = 3 xvals = 30 50 52 yvals = 10 11 12
RE: cdo interpolating to an irregular set of point - Added by Matti Kämäräinen over 8 years ago
This example has been working lately with my CDO 1.6.4, but not anymore...
I just keep getting an error message:
"cdo remapdis (Abort): unstructured grid without latitude coordinates!"
Can anyone guess why?
RE: cdo interpolating to an irregular set of point - Added by Matti Kämäräinen over 8 years ago
Never mind, I still had CDO 1.6.3. available and it works which is enough for me at this point... Apparently the other version is somehow broken.