


Unsuccessful attempt to convert from rotated pole to regular lat/lon

Added by deniz bozkurt almost 11 years ago

Hi all,

I have a netcdf output of a regional climate model which is performed on a rotated pole grid and has a (0,0) latitude and longitude point in the middle of the region of interest (South America). However, when plotting a variable the map is trying to plot the variable over the west coast of Africa, as this is where (0,0) is in the real world.

I have attempted to convert the data from rotated pole to regular lat/lon by using remapping tools of cdo. This is raw grid information of the netcdf file:

  1. gridID 0 #
    gridtype = lonlat
    xname = longitude
    xlongname = longitude
    xunits = degrees_east
    yname = latitude
    ylongname = latitude
    yunits = degrees_north
    xsize = 146
    ysize = 167
    xfirst = 143.92
    xinc = 0.44
    yfirst = -38.28
    yinc = 0.44
    xnpole = -56.06
    ynpole = 70.60

and this is sample grid information on which I am trying to remap by using command "cdo remapbil,samplegrid -setgrid,rawgrid ifile ofile"

  1. gridID 0 #
    gridtype = lonlat
    xname = longitude
    xlongname = longitude
    xunits = degrees_east
    yname = latitude
    ylongname = latitude
    yunits = degrees_north
    xsize = 181
    ysize = 155
    xfirst = -106.25
    xinc = 0.5
    yfirst = -58.25
    yinc = 0.5

However, the map is still trying to plot variable over the west coast of Africa. I have also followed other threads such as to fix the problem, however no success.

I guess it may be related with lack of polar coordinates in the raw grid files, but I have no idea about the coordinates.

Does anyone could help me how to fix it?

Thanks in advance,

