


interpolating lambert Conformal conic projection to regular rectangular format

Added by Poulomi Ganguli about 10 years ago

I need to interpolate NARR data to regular rectangular format and find out latitude longitude information and corresponding data field from precipitation file. But I don't have any idea how to interpolate this irregular grid data using CDO :(. Any help will be really appreciable.

Replies (2)

RE: interpolating lambert Conformal conic projection to regular rectangular format - Added by Poulomi Ganguli about 10 years ago

My NARR data is in .nc file format with gridtype: Curvilinear and I want to interpolate my data to rectangular grid format. Thanks

RE: interpolating lambert Conformal conic projection to regular rectangular format - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan about 10 years ago


You need to create a grid description file which should look like:

gridtype  = lonlat
gridsize  = 
xname     = lon
xlongname = longitude
xunits    = degrees_east
yname     = lat
ylongname = latitude
yunits    = degrees_north
xsize     = 
ysize     = 
xfirst    = 
xinc      = 
yfirst    = 
yinc      = 

you need to fill all necessary parameters gridsize, ysize etc. then use remap operators to interpolate to regular lon-lat grid:

cdo -remapcon,mygrid

if you don't know the parameters, then create a template file of the required region; for example:

cdo -f nc -sellonlatbox,-145,-50,25,60 -remapcon,r1200x600 -topo

this will create a 0.3 degree lon-lat box for North American region, and use that as a grid descriptor file for interpolation:

cdo -f nc remapcon,

Please have a look at the CDO doc section 2.12.1 REMAPGRID - SCRIP grid interpolation for more info regarding the interpolation methods.

