


Processing NASA DAYMET files with CDO

Added by Dennis Duro about 11 years ago

Hi all,

I'm wondering if others can confirm that CDO works as expected when processing DAYMET files [[]], and your experience with deriving climate indices with these files using CDO.

What I want to accomplish isn't overly complex. I'm taking daily gridded tmin, tmax, and precipitation files, and I would like to get monthly averages for each with the intention of calculating similar "bioclimatic" variables as those used in WorldClim raster sets [[]], using something like "dismo" [[]] in R. Perhaps that last part is something I can avoid with CDO?

I've already run a test using cdo monmean and the results appeared to what I'm after (a file with 12 bands instead of 365).

I found the speed impressive (for a guy used to ArcGIS raster processing speeds).

cdo monmean: Processed 18572295 values from 2 variables over 365 timesteps. ( 1.43s )

In any case, I found CDO so easy to use and fast. So much so that I don't quite believe it! :) Hopefully it's not too good to be true.

Thanks in advance!

Replies (1)

RE: Processing NASA DAYMET files with CDO - Added by Dennis Duro about 11 years ago

Hmmm...actually, while the output appears to be expected (still verifying), it seems as if CDO strips out variable names as indicated here [[]]

Is there a way to avoid this? Subsequent processing of the resulting NetCDF file processed with CDO is problematic since the variable names are missing. The link above suggests:

All coordinate variables and dimensions which are not assigned to a data variable will be lost after processing with CDO!

Is there a way to ensure that all coordinate variables and dimensions are assigned to a data variable? Not sure how this would be done.

For reference, an example of the kind of file I'm processing can be downloaded from here:

