


Extracting data from rotated pole NetCDF

Added by Kyle Eckart about 11 years ago


I have a question about extracting data from NetCDF files for a specific grid location. The data is stored in a rotated pole grid format, so I need to know how to either convert the coordinates I am interested (given in latitude and longitude) in to the same format so that I know which data to extract, or transform the data so that it is stored according to latitude and longitude.

I am working on a Windows computer and have the NetCDF, FAN, and CDO packages installed; however, I haven't yet used CDO. I attached a printout of the metadata from one of the files as well as a document which contains details about the coordinate system. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you for your time!

Replies (1)

RE: Extracting data from rotated pole NetCDF - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan about 11 years ago


use the REMAP GRID operators if you would like to remap to regular lon-lat grid. Please have a look at the CDO doc section 2.12.1 here:

extracting data from NetCDF files for a specific grid location

for example,

cdo -remapnn,lon=10.0_lat=53.0 -remapbil,r360x180 ifile ofile

will first remap the ifile to regular lon-lat (r360x180 implies global regular one degree) using remapbil (bilinear interpolation), and then select the specified grid near given location (lon=10,lat=53) using the remapnn (nearest neighbour)

Also, I recommend searching the forum for more examples.

