


Lost GRIB2 keys when using sellonlatbox

Added by Fabian Tito Arandia Martinez about 11 years ago


I'm new at CDO therefore my question is very simple. :)

I tried sellonlatbox on my grib files and it works really well but my resulting grib file seems to have lost their forecast ensemble keys from TIGGE: perturbationNumber, typeOfEnsembleForecast, numberOfForecastInEnsemble.

I think it's the fact that I don't use a parameter table ... could you please explain to be how to create one?

Thank you!


Replies (3)

RE: Lost GRIB2 keys when using sellonlatbox - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 11 years ago

Hi Fabian,

Unfortunately CDO does not support all GRIB2 keys. The ensemble keys will be supported in one of the next CDO releases.


RE: Lost GRIB2 keys when using sellonlatbox - Added by Fabian Tito Arandia Martinez about 11 years ago

Hi Uwe,

Thanks for your response. Also I remarked that the forecast stepRanges where changed. For example, I had mx2t6 (maximum temperature at 2 meters for 6 hours) forecasts at each 6 hours. After using setlatlonbox, the mx2t6 was changed to mx2t24 at stepRange 18-24 hours.

I found a way to separate the members using grib_filter from grib_api so, even if I lose the ensemble keys I would like to use sellatlonbox to ''cut'' my grids. Afterwards I would like to use daymax to create daily forecasts from 6 hours step forecasts.

Can you recommend me the operators to use?


RE: Lost GRIB2 keys when using sellonlatbox - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 11 years ago

Hi Fabian,

You can use all CDO operators if the file contains only one ensemble member.

