remapping weights for ecmwf spectral fields
Added by Reto Stöckli over 11 years ago
I can create remapping weights from ecmwf sfc fields, since they are on a reduced gaussian grid when retrieved from MARS:
cdo -r -t ecmwf -f nc -R -gencon,grid.dat input.grb
However, when I retrieve atmospheric pressure level (pl) fields, they are on a spectral grid when retrieved from MARS. My current solution is first to apply sp2gp or sp2gpl operator to the grib and then run the weights generation:
1. cdo sp2gp input.grb test.grb
2. cdo -r -t ecmwf -f nc -R -gencon,grid.dat test.grb
Can combine these two commands into one single command?
Replies (1)
RE: remapping weights for ecmwf spectral fields - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 11 years ago
Yes, this should work:
cdo -r -t ecmwf -f nc -R -gencon,grid.dat -sp2gp intput.grb weights.ncBut you have to do the sp2gp conversion also if you use this weights:
cdo -r -t ecmwf -f nc -R remap,grid.dat, -sp2gp input.grb