


converting netcdf on curvilinear grid to GRIB

Added by zackary taylor over 14 years ago

Hello CDO,

I'm very new to using CDO and have been impressed with what it can do so far. What I'm currently struggling with is converting a netcdf file to GRIB. The netcdf is on a curvilinear grid (WRF model lambert conformal). I've read previous posts that curvilinear grids are not recognized by GRIB. Are there ways to change the grid type so that it can be converted to a GRIB file using CDO?

Here is the error message I'm seeing:

Warning (cgribexDefGrid) : Curvilinear grids are unsupported in GRIB format! Created wrong GDS!

Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated!


Replies (2)

RE: converting netcdf on curvilinear grid to GRIB - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 14 years ago

Hello Zack,

This warning message indicates that the coordinates of the curvilinear grid can not be stored to GRIB.
The data variables are correctly packed in the GRIB format. So you can use it with all CDO operators
as far as the grid coordinates are not needed. If the grid coordinates are needed (eg. for remapping)
then you have to set the correct coordinates with 'setgrid':

cdo remapbil,targetgrid  -setgrid,sourcegrid  ifile.grb  ofile.grb


RE: converting netcdf on curvilinear grid to GRIB - Added by Heidi Sevestre over 12 years ago

Hi People of CDO!

I'm facing the very same issue, and I tried Uwe's solution without any success.

So far, I've been able to convert my NetCDF file into GRB without any problems. But my netCDF data is projected on a curvilinear grid (griddes attached) which, as expected doesn't appear in the GRB file. So I used remapbil to force the new grib data to be projected on this original curvilinear grid, but all I get is half the curvilinear grid.

To make sure that I am using remapbil correctly, I have written in brackets the files that I used:

cdo remapbil, targetgrid(=the newly converted grb file) -setgrid,sourcegrid(=the original netcdf file) ifile.grb(again the newly converted grb file) ofile.grb

What I am doing wrong? Is there another way to remap my grb data on a curvilinear grid?

Many thanks for your help,


griddes.txt (6.17 MB) griddes.txt griddes