


Dates in timmin / timmax

Added by Ernesto Barrera over 11 years ago

Dear all,

following the help of 'timmin' command:
"The date information of a timestep in ofile is the date of the last contributing timestep in ifile."

However, after using 'timmin' on some dataset files containing fields of a single parameter for some dates,
I observed that the date written in ofile is not corresponding to the last contributing timestep in ifile but to the first one!.

For example, given an input file 'testfile':

$ cdo info testfile
-1 : Date Time Level Gridsize Miss : Minimum Mean Maximum : Parameter ID
1 : 1995-05-05 00:00:00 10 105 0 : -1.7078 0.62999 4.0422 : 33.1
2 : 1995-05-06 00:00:00 10 105 0 : -3.9102 -0.39919 2.3398 : 33.1
3 : 1995-05-07 00:00:00 10 105 0 : -4.6348 -1.2391 0.91207 : 33.1

$ cdo timmin testfile min

$ cdo info min
-1 : Date Time Level Gridsize Miss : Minimum Mean Maximum : Parameter ID
1 : 1995-05-05 00:00:00 10 105 0 : -4.6348 -1.3567 0.55269 : 33.1


This behavior is observed only in the oldest dataset files (those older than 1995).
The fact that date in min file is the first instead the last one has consequences on other statistics commands as timpctl, which reports
an error related to verification dates.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Replies (5)

RE: Dates in timmin / timmax - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 11 years ago

Dear Ernesto,

I can't reproduce this problem. Could you please attach your testfile?

Cheers, Uwe

RE: Dates in timmin / timmax - Added by Benjamin Buldmann almost 9 years ago

Hello together,

I just have the same issue, but with the timestamp in the output somehow in the middle of all input timesteps. Using timpctl doesn't work due to the same error message then above.

RE: Dates in timmin / timmax - Added by Benjamin Buldmann almost 9 years ago


can't edit my last post, so in a new message, the input and may output...

Thanks in advance...

RE: Dates in timmin / timmax - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 9 years ago

Since cdo-1.6.8 the time timestamp created by tim* operators is in the middle of the interval. You can get the old behaviour with



RE: Dates in timmin / timmax - Added by Benjamin Buldmann almost 9 years ago


somewho I took something wrong, now everything is working fine!!

Thanks anyway...
