


Remove leap days

Added by David Wang over 11 years ago

Hi, I have a multiple-year daily data file in netcdf from which I need to remove all leap days (Feb. 29). Can this be done with CDO? Here are the first a few output lines of "cdo sinfo $file". Thanks!

   File format: netCDF2
    -1 : Institut Source   Ttype    Levels Num  Gridsize Num Dtype : Parameter ID
     1 : unknown  unknown  instant       1   1        10   1  F32  : -1            
     2 : unknown  unknown  instant       1   1        10   1  F32  : -2            
     3 : unknown  unknown  instant       1   1        10   1  F32  : -3            
     4 : unknown  unknown  constant      1   1        10   1  F64  : -4            
   Grid coordinates :
     1 : lonlat       > size      : dim = 10  nx = 0  ny = 10
                        lat       : first = -16.5  last = -34.5  inc = -2  degrees_north
   Vertical coordinates :
     1 : surface                  : 0 
   Time coordinate :  16802 steps
     RefTime =  1901-01-15 00:00:00  Units = hours  Calendar = standard
  YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss  YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss  YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss  YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
  1967-01-01 18:00:00  1967-01-02 18:00:00  1967-01-03 18:00:00  1967-01-04 18:00:00
  1967-01-05 18:00:00  1967-01-06 18:00:00  1967-01-07 18:00:00  1967-01-08 18:00:00
  1967-01-09 18:00:00  1967-01-10 18:00:00  1967-01-11 18:00:00  1967-01-12 18:00:00

Replies (1)

RE: Remove leap days - Added by David Wang over 11 years ago

OK. I figured. I'm amazed how easy it is with CDO. Well done, folks:)

cdo delete,month=2,day=29 ifile ofile
