cdo remap
Added by claudia pizzigalli over 11 years ago
Dear all,
I have to extract a point of the following netcdf data file:
netcdf \2009_ren6 {
Latitude = 180 ;
Longitude = 360 ;
LatLon = 2 ;
time = UNLIMITED ; // (106 currently)
int LatLon(LatLon) ;
LatLon:_FillValue = 2147483647 ;
LatLon:long_name = "No sense but necessary for some automatic tools" ;
LatLon:units = "count" ;
double Latitude(Latitude) ;
Latitude:_FillValue = 1.84467440737096e+19 ;
Latitude:long_name = "Latitudes" ;
Latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;
double Longitude(Longitude) ;
Longitude:_FillValue = 1.84467440737096e+19 ;
Longitude:long_name = "Longitudes" ;
Longitude:units = "degrees_east" ;
double LatLonMin(time, LatLon) ;
LatLonMin:_FillValue = 1.84467440737096e+19 ;
LatLonMin:long_name = "Latitude/Longitude of south/ouest corner" ;
LatLonMin:units = "degree" ;
double LatLonStep(time, LatLon) ;
LatLonStep:_FillValue = 1.84467440737096e+19 ;
LatLonStep:long_name = "latitude/longitude steps" ;
LatLonStep:units = "degree" ;
float Hs(time, Longitude, Latitude) ;
Hs:_FillValue = 1.844674e+19f ;
Hs:long_name = "Significant Wave Height" ;
Hs:units = "m" ;
// global attributes:
:FileType = "GRID_DOTS" ;
:OriginalName = "" ;
:CreatedBy = "SSALTO/DUACS" ;
:CreatedOn = "19-SEP-2009 01:03:30:000000" ;
:title = "Significant Wave Height Map - Based on NRT merged data" ;
I did the command:
cdo remapbil,lon=19/lat=39
with the following error:
cdo remapbil (Abort): Unsupported grid type: generic
Can you help me?
Replies (3)
RE: cdo remap - Added by claudia pizzigalli over 11 years ago
I added the original file!
This file has been attached to other files to have an year of data and some variables and dimension renamed (NbLongitudes renamed Longitude with nco). The results is to big to be attached.
RE: cdo remap - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 11 years ago
Here is the result of the short info operator for the attached file:
File format: netCDF -1 : Institut Source Ttype Levels Num Gridsize Num Dtype : Parameter name 1 : unknown unknown constant 1 1 2 1 F64 : LatLonMin 2 : unknown unknown constant 1 1 2 1 F64 : LatLonStep 3 : unknown unknown constant 1 1 64800 2 F32 : Grid_0001 Grid coordinates : 1 : generic > size : dim = 2 nx = 2 ny = 0 LatLon : first = 0 last = 1 inc = 1 count 2 : lonlat > size : dim = 64800 nx = 360 ny = 180 NbLongitudes : first = 0 last = 359 inc = 1 degrees_east circular NbLatitudes : first = -90 last = 89 inc = 1 degrees_north Vertical coordinates : 1 : surface : 0CDO found 3 variables. LatLonMin and LatLonStep are on a generic grid. That means there is no grid information available for these variables. You have to select the third variable for the remapping:
cdo remapbil,lon=19/lat=39 -selname,Grid_0001