


Incorrect filed definition after converting from nc to grb

Added by Leif Morten By over 11 years ago

Hi All,

I'm totally new to this and need some help. I've downloaded a nc file from which contains currents as u and v fields. But when I use CDO to convert this file into GRIB it changes the field definition.
Unfortunately the software I use to view the GRB file (ExpeditionLT from doesn't recognize and can't remap the new fields.

Can I get CDO to output the currents in a recognizable format?

Panoply reports this definition:

NC file:

Variable "u"

double u(time_counter=28, depth=50, latitude=121, longitude=121);
:_CoordinateAxes = "time_counter depth latitude longitude ";
:long_name = "Eastward velocity";
:standard_name = "eastward_sea_water_velocity";
:units = "m s-1";
:unit_long = "Meters per second";
:cell_methods = "area: mean";
Variable "v"

double v(time_counter=28, depth=50, latitude=121, longitude=121);
:_CoordinateAxes = "time_counter depth latitude longitude ";
:long_name = "Northward velocity";
:standard_name = "northward_sea_water_velocity";
:units = "m s-1";
:unit_long = "Meters per second";
:cell_methods = "area: mean";

Converted GRB file:
Variable "Pressure_reduced_to_MSL_depth_below_sea" (This equals the U data. I've compared the values)

float Pressure_reduced_to_MSL_depth_below_sea(time=28, depth_below_sea=50, lat=121, lon=121);
:long_name = "Pressure reduced to MSL @ Depth below sea level";
:units = "Pa";
:missing_value = NaNf; // float
:grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
:Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-0-255-2_L160";
:Grib1_Center = 0; // int
:Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int
:Grib1_TableVersion = 255; // int
:Grib1_Parameter = 2; // int
:Grib1_Level_Type = 160; // int

Variable "Pressure_tendency_depth_below_sea" (This equals the V data. I've compared the values)
float Pressure_tendency_depth_below_sea(time=28, depth_below_sea=50, lat=121, lon=121);
:long_name = "Pressure tendency @ Depth below sea level";
:units = "Pa.s-1";
:missing_value = NaNf; // float
:grid_mapping = "LatLon_Projection";
:Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_0-0-255-3_L160";
:Grib1_Center = 0; // int
:Grib1_Subcenter = 0; // int
:Grib1_TableVersion = 255; // int
:Grib1_Parameter = 3; // int
:Grib1_Level_Type = 160; // int

Replies (1)

RE: Incorrect filed definition after converting from nc to grb - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 11 years ago


You could manually set the GRIB parameters (variable name, table number etc.) using the "set*' operators. see CDO documentation section 2.6.1 for more details.

