


Targetgrid, latitude

Added by E. Santiago Gonzalez almost 12 years ago

When I use the operator:

cdo -f grb -random,r<xsize>x<ysize> template.grb

The latitudes are:
for ysize= 180; yinc= 1; yfirst= -89.5, y=-89.5, -88.5, -87.5, ...
for ysize= 360; yinc= 0.5; yfirst= -89.75; y=-89.75, -89.25, -88.75, ..


cdo -f grb -random,r720x360 template.grb

griddes template.grb:
# gridID 2
gridtype  = lonlat
gridsize  = 259200
xname     = lon
xlongname = longitude
xunits    = degrees_east
yname     = lat
ylongname = latitude
yunits    = degrees_north
xsize     = 720
ysize     = 360
xfirst    = 0
xinc      = 0.5
yfirst    = -89.75
yinc      = 0.5

But, I would like that the first latitude was -90º.
How I can achieve that, any help will be appreciable.

Replies (2)

RE: Targetgrid, latitude - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 12 years ago

You have to define you own grid. Here is an example:

cat > mygrid << EOR
gridtype  = lonlat
xsize     = 720
ysize     = 360
xfirst    = 0
xinc      = 0.5
yfirst    = -90
yinc      = 0.5

cdo -f grb -random,mygrid template.grb

RE: Targetgrid, latitude - Added by E. Santiago Gonzalez almost 12 years ago

Thanks, helped me a lot.
