Missing values in newer version of CDO
Added by Rachel James almost 12 years ago
I'm having trouble reading some netCDF files in CDO version 1.5.9.
I have been working with the files on a server which uses CDO version 1.4.6, and now I have been trying to work with them on a new server which uses CDO version 1.5.9. When I try to read the files using a cdo command (e.g. cdo info, cdo output) only missing values ("nan") are displayed. I don't think there is a problem with the data, because I can read it using ncdump, IDL, and GrADS. And I can still run cdo commands on the old server.
The data in question are winds from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. I have been running cdo commands on other netCDF files (including other variables from NCEP) without any problems.
I would be very grateful for any help with this.
Many thanks,
Replies (4)
RE: Missing values in newer version of CDO - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 12 years ago
Can you please upload:
1) a sample of your original data (must be < 50MB or a link to download the data), and
2) the output of "cdo -V"
RE: Missing values in newer version of CDO - Added by Rachel James almost 12 years ago
No problem.
cdo -V
Climate Data Operators version 1.5.9 (http://code.zmaw.de/projects/cdo)
Compiler: gcc -std=gnu99 -g -O2 -pthread
version: gcc (GCC) 4.4.6 20120305 (Red Hat 4.4.6-4)
Compiled: by root on ouce-linux-01.ouce.ox.ac.uk (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) Mar 4 2013 14:33:16
CDI library version : 1.5.9 of Mar 4 2013 14:33:09
CGRIBEX library version : 1.5.6 of Dec 17 2012 13:44:05
GRIB_API library version : 1.9.18
netCDF library version : of Jan 14 2013 09:57:13 $
HDF5 library version : 1.8.10
SERVICE library version : 1.3.1 of Mar 4 2013 14:32:58
EXTRA library version : 1.3.1 of Mar 4 2013 14:32:53
IEG library version : 1.3.1 of Mar 4 2013 14:32:55
FILE library version : 1.8.1 of Mar 4 2013 14:32:53
I've uploaded a file with 2 years of monthly data. It's v wind on 17 pressure levels.
Thanks for your help,
RE: Missing values in newer version of CDO - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 12 years ago
I can reproduce the problem with CDO 1.5.9. However, this problem seems to be fixed in the latest version CDO v1.6.x
RE: Missing values in newer version of CDO - Added by Rachel James almost 12 years ago
Ah OK I'll try that, thank you!