Added by Noelia Otero almost 12 years ago
I want to calculate eof3d (I think in this case must be necessary), but I can't understand very well, exactly, how does eof3d work?
I've already calculated eof in time (for decadal ensembles time series),
so now, I'd like to know how obtain EOF but this time, in space (I am not sure if eofspace would be enough).
any idea?
Many thanks in advance
Replies (1)
RE: eof3d - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 12 years ago
I'd like to know how obtain EOF but this time, in space (I am not sure if eofspace would be enough).
use "eofspatial" operator to "Calculate EOFs in spatial space". You could also use "eof" operator but it depends on your data - whether it is a time series or a field
see the examples in CDO documentation @2.11.1 and @2.11.2