


Calculate the maximum value over multiple daily timesteps

Added by Theodoros Gkousarov almost 12 years ago

Hi guys,

I have a file with daily mean values of solar radiation over a period of 20 years. ( I want to create a file which will contain the maximum value of daily solar radiation per location. So that I can create a map showing the maximum daily solar radiation reached at any day during the 20 years.

Can somebody help me?


Replies (5)

RE: Calculate the maximum value over multiple daily timesteps - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 12 years ago


use "ydaymax" operator, ie,

cdo -ydaymax 20Year_daily_mean_file ofile


PS: sorry I think I used the wrong operator before. It should be "ydaymax" instead of "timmax" I guess

RE: Calculate the maximum value over multiple daily timesteps - Added by Theodoros Gkousarov almost 12 years ago

oh alright, i thought that i went crazy when i calculated with timmax and then got back here to find it as ydaymax haha. Thanks. will try this one.

RE: Calculate the maximum value over multiple daily timesteps - Added by Theodoros Gkousarov almost 12 years ago

Actually I think the previous script was right.

I need only one timestep which shows the maximum value of solar radiation per location that have been obtained any day of this 20 year period. so timmax looks more reasonable than ydaymax as far as the results i get.

RE: Calculate the maximum value over multiple daily timesteps - Added by Theodoros Gkousarov almost 12 years ago

Ok, I need now some help with this.

I want to create a file containing 365 timesteps, with the maximum daily solar radiation per day. This will allow me to see what sort of maximum values I could have any day of the year. I have a file of 20y daily means.

RE: Calculate the maximum value over multiple daily timesteps - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 12 years ago


I want to create a file containing 365 timesteps, with the maximum daily solar radiation per day. This will allow me to see what sort of maximum values I could have any day of the year. I have a file of 20y daily means.

use the "ydaymax" operator

