Merging daily data into yearly files: problem with time axis?
Added by Sandro Calmanti about 12 years ago
I'm trying to merge QUIKSCAT daily data into yearly archives to then process with CDO.
I couldn't do the processing directly on the source daily files (see attached exemple
These files have no time axis and with CDO I always get missing data everywhere.
With ncks I've managed to add a time dimension and a time axis. I've created the attached which looks fine with ncview.
Afterwards, no matter what I try to do with CDO, I always get missing data. For example
For example:
prompt> cdo setyear,2001
cdo setyear (Warning): Time bounds unsupported by this operator, removed!
cdo setyear: Processed 6912000 values from 1 variable over 30 timesteps ( 0.46s )
Produces the attached
I'm using CDO version 1.6.0rc1
Any workaround to this?
S. (6.82 MB) | source QUIKSCAT dat | || (13.2 MB) | QUIKSCAT data merged using ncks | || (13.2 MB) | Result of "cdo setyear,2001" |
Replies (3)
RE: Merging daily data into yearly files: problem with time axis? - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 12 years ago
Hi Sandro,
Thanks for this report!
The valid_min/valid_max attribute in these files are the reason for this problem. CDO will ignore these attributes in the next release, because the data type of these attributes are inconsistent with those of the variables.
As a workround you can remove these attribute with the NCO operator ncatted:
ncatted -a valid_min,,d,c,"" -a valid_max,,d,c,""
RE: Merging daily data into yearly files: problem with time axis? - Added by Sandro Calmanti about 12 years ago
Many thanks Uwe, it works nicely now!
RE: Merging daily data into yearly files: problem with time axis? - Added by Theodoros Gkousarov almost 11 years ago
Ok found this post which will help me.
I have similar data but different variable, your files look exactly as my so I also want to add the time variable, something mentioned about ncks... what is that and how it works? cheers