python: getting
Added by Arne Kriegsmann about 12 years ago
I am having a problem when I try to read an array directy into a python-variable:
print t
The output:
< object at 0x2752410>
I am using python/2.7-ve1 and cdo/1.5.9 on snow.
Thanks for your help,
Replies (5)
RE: python: getting - Added by Ralf Mueller about 12 years ago
which version of do you use? Try
pip search cdo
RE: python: getting - Added by Arne Kriegsmann about 12 years ago
cdo - python bindings to CDO
LATEST: 1.2.1
RE: python: getting - Added by Ralf Mueller about 12 years ago
You'll need 1.2.0 for your code example. But you could use the methods
cdo.fldsum(input=filen,returnArray='pr').variables['tsurf'][:]to get the numpy array. The more direct access was introduced in 1.2.0. Unfortunately the system installation from CIS prevents user updates. I will mail to CIS to update