


Unsupported generic coordinates (Variable: area)!

Added by Levi Silvers 23 days ago


Sorry for another question about unsupported generic coordinates, but I can't find the answer that I need in the other postings.

I am using version 2.4.4 of cdo.

Why does the area variable create issues? I think that I have other files including the area variable that can be remapped and I
don't see what is different about this one.

I have already done a couple of things to this file, like rename variables and adding coordinates to the 'tos' variable. I don't think those changes are the source of this error, but am not sure. Then when I try to remap I get the following:

cdo -L remapbil,mygrid

cdo remapbil (Abort): Unsupported generic coordinates (Variable: area)!

This is my 'mygrid' file contents:
gridtype = lonlat
xsize = 360
ysize = 180
xfirst = -179.5
xinc = 1
yfirst = -89.5
yinc = 1

And I am attaching the relevant file.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Replies (6)

RE: Unsupported generic coordinates (Variable: area)! - Added by Uwe Schulzweida 22 days ago

The coordinate attribute is missing for the area variable:

ncatted -a coordinates,area,c,c,"lat lon"

RE: Unsupported generic coordinates (Variable: area)! - Added by Uwe Schulzweida 22 days ago

There is also a problem with the longitude bounds. There is probably an overlap of two cells at the boundaries here. You can remove them with sethalo,-1,-1:

cdo -L remapbil,mygrid -sethalo,-1,-1

RE: Unsupported generic coordinates (Variable: area)! - Added by Levi Silvers 20 days ago

Thank you for your response. That cleared up my problem.


RE: Unsupported generic coordinates (Variable: area)! - Added by Ralf Mueller 17 days ago

hi Levi!
are u THE levi silvers, who worked at MPIMET years ago on ICON?


RE: Unsupported generic coordinates (Variable: area)! - Added by Levi Silvers 17 days ago

Hi Ralf,
Yes! I am THE levi silvers.

Hope you are well.
I will try to send you a brief update email soon so we don't flood the forum with interesting personal information.

Good to hear from you!

RE: Unsupported generic coordinates (Variable: area)! - Added by Ralf Mueller 17 days ago

Levi Silvers wrote in RE: Unsupported generic coordinates (Variable: area)!:

Hi Ralf,
Yes! I am THE levi silvers.

Hope you are well.
I will try to send you a brief update email soon so we don't flood the forum with interesting personal information.

Good to hear from you!


u'll find me here
