Remapping from UTM32 to lon-lat
Added by Mark Payne 5 days ago
The attached netcdf dataset is derived from an observational product here at DMI that is on a regular UTM32 grid. I would like to regrid this to some other grid, using a regular 1x1 degree grid as an example in this case. The command that I have used is:
cdo remapnn,global_1
cdo remapnn (Abort): Unsupported projection coordinates (Variable: tas)!
What is going on here? Does CDO not support regridding with UTM? Is there anything I can do to make this work?
Note - I have made the metadata myself, with an attempt to follow CF conventions, with a lot of help from Chat. I (we) may be missing some key elements that are causing the problem.
Best wishes,
Replies (2)
RE: Remapping from UTM32 to lon-lat - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer 5 days ago
With version 2.4.4 it works good.
RE: Remapping from UTM32 to lon-lat - Added by Mark Payne 5 days ago
<blush> You're right. I was flipping back and forth between 1.99 rc1 and 2.4.4 without realising it, which created the bug. Apologies.