Subset of ECMWF grib
Added by Andres Luhamaa 1 day ago
I downloaded ERA5 pressure level gribs from Copernicus Climate Data Store but I need only a small region at a time and would like to make temporary regional subset files for the downstream application.
cdo -sellonlatbox
seems to do the job, but my downstream application does not like the output and it seems that the reason is different number of metadata fields in the files.
In the original, there seem to be 70 keys but in the converted file only 63 and what is missing are these seven:
['localDefinitionNumber', 'marsClass', 'marsType', 'marsStream', 'experimentVersionNumber', 'perturbationNumber', 'numberOfForecastsInEnsemble']
and the 'perturbationNumber' is what is needed in downstream.
Is there a way to force cdo to convert all the metadata when working with grib files?
Best regards
Replies (1)
RE: Subset of ECMWF grib - Added by Andres Luhamaa 1 day ago
I guess it could be the same reason explained here, i.e. CDO does not support local extensions.