


Converting Multiple Binary Files to NetCDF

Added by Yanan Fu 4 months ago

Hi there! I have encountered a situation where I have multiple CM1 output files in binary format, all sharing the same descriptor. I understand that for a single binary file with one descriptor, converting it to NetCDF can be easily achieved using the import binary function. However, I'm wondering if there is a more efficient way to handle multiple binary files with the same descriptor. Is it necessary for me to create a separate descriptor for each of these binary files, or is there an easier method available? Thank you for your assistance!

cm1out_s.ctl (3.88 KB) cm1out_s.ctl descriptor

Replies (2)

RE: Converting Multiple Binary Files to NetCDF - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer 4 months ago

I don't know if the GrADS descriptor file for multiple files (like yours) can be handled by CDO. Did you tried to use the uploaded ctl file with different data files and CDO? If it is not working the best is to write a script that changes the DSET line in the ctl file for each data file before using it with CDO.

RE: Converting Multiple Binary Files to NetCDF - Added by Yanan Fu 4 months ago

Thank you for your answer. Maybe writing separate descriptors before using CDO is the best way. Thank you very much!
