Fast Fourier Transform in netcdf files
Added by Michael de Paula 4 months ago
Dear colleagues,
Would like to know please how to plot fast Fourier transforms (FFT) from a netcdf file (.nc) that I downloaded from the c3s (sea surface height, temperature, salinity and currents). I tried several times and I couldn’t, because I get the following message:
"This operator needs fields with complex numbers!"
In advance I apologize sincerely if I posted my question in the wrong place. Any answer will be appreciated.
Thank you very much.
Replies (1)
RE: Fast Fourier Transform in netcdf files - Added by Estanislao Gavilan 4 months ago
Hi Michael,
I think you are using the function fourier. I think the command fourier only accepts complex fields. For real input you need to use retocomplex.