


No cdo package for ARM64 architecture on Ubuntu 24

Added by Max Balsmeier 6 months ago

Hi there,

unfortunately, there is no Debian package that can be installed on Ubuntu 24 with ARM architecture.

Is it planned to provide an ARM64 version of cdo soon?

Best regards,

Replies (6)

RE: No cdo package for ARM64 architecture on Ubuntu 24 - Added by Estanislao Gavilan 6 months ago

Hi Max,

You can always install it via conda/miniconda

RE: No cdo package for ARM64 architecture on Ubuntu 24 - Added by Max Balsmeier 6 months ago

Hi Estanislao,

thanks, so I assume no Debian package that can be installed with apt will be provided?
On the linked page you see that for Ubuntu 22 cdo 2.0.4 is available for both AMD and ARM, while for Ubuntu 24 only AMD is available (2.4.0).
This leads to the fact that on Apple computers sudo apt install cdo won't work, which is unfortunate.

RE: No cdo package for ARM64 architecture on Ubuntu 24 - Added by Ralf Mueller 5 months ago


The official debian package indicates, that there are builds for arm64. same for older releases buster or bullseye. AFAIK ubuntu is based on debian, so debian packages should work.

RE: No cdo package for ARM64 architecture on Ubuntu 24 - Added by Max Balsmeier 5 months ago

yes, Debian is based on Ubuntu, but it's still something different, and apt (package manager on Ubuntu) does not see the packages listed on
Please compare: (Ubuntu 22, has ARM64) (Ubuntu 24, only has AMD64).
I know that cdo maybe can be installed with some workaround, but apt is the standard way to install packages on Ubuntu, and if this does not work, it is unfortunate.

RE: No cdo package for ARM64 architecture on Ubuntu 24 - Added by Ralf Mueller 5 months ago

you can add new resources for packages with apt. I think ubuntu is simply not focused on arm because this platform is still new for workstations and laptops. See here for docu.

I am not aware of anyone explicitly building CDO for ubuntu - it all boils down to the debian debs. In the end it is a question for ubuntu developers.

The simplest approach would be to download the deb-file from debian and install it with dkpg -i . This is what apt does under the hood anyway. If that fails, add the debian repo like shown in the docu above and try apt install cdo

RE: No cdo package for ARM64 architecture on Ubuntu 24 - Added by Max Balsmeier 5 months ago

Okay, this would probably work when trying it seriously.
Thank you for the explanation!
Best, Max
