


Does ap2pl automatically know whether variables are on full or half model levels?

Added by Emily Van de Koot 3 months ago


I am using ap2pl to interpolate ICON data from model levels to pressure levels. I am wondering how the function knows whether the variables to be interpolated are on full or half model levels? Does it know this automatically based on the variable name? Or do I need to make sure that the height coordinate for the variables on half levels says n.5 rather than n?

Many thanks,

Replies (3)

RE: Does ap2pl automatically know whether variables are on full or half model levels? - Added by Uwe Schulzweida 3 months ago

Hi Emily,

ap2pl performs a linear interpolation. The required air pressure is identified via the standard name air_pressure. The number of layers in air_pressure determines which variables are interpolated.


RE: Does ap2pl automatically know whether variables are on full or half model levels? - Added by Emily Van de Koot 3 months ago

Hi Uwe,

Apologies - I am a bit confused.

What steps exactly do I need to take to correctly interpolate data on model half levels?
More specifically, could you please help me with the following questions:
- Do I need to set the height coordinate to n.5?
- Do I need to calculate the air pressure at n.5 myself and add this to the dataset?

Thank you for your help so far!

RE: Does ap2pl automatically know whether variables are on full or half model levels? - Added by Uwe Schulzweida 3 months ago

Hi Emily,

For the vertical interpolation of data on model half levels, you need the data on half levels and the air pressure on half levels. The data and the air pressure must have the same number of levels.

